Provide an export of the documents expected by the university administration.
Because an exam is about understanding your mistakes and not just giving a grade
In order to generate a sample answer sheet for the students and discuss the wrong answers with the class
In order to be able to correct in a horizontal way (all the questions n°1, then all the questions 2)
Direct, negative, positive to fit the question you are asking
Re-apply your comments in 1 click on another student sheet
Several Master 1 projects are working on a student exam assessment tool. Architecture on top of eclipse RCP (Java + SWT)
Didactic support project for several courses of the Computer Science Master of the University of Rennes 1. The code is not written by the students but we take excerpt of code to introduce the devops challenges, WebAssembly, the notion of Web Worker, ...
A teaching module in electronics, a teaching module in computer science (Master Miage), first feedbacks
Some new features are added, latex, word and openoffice template for the creation of exam statements, translation update, recruitment of new testers, ...
New tests at Rennes 1, at Univ Toulouse, add support for MCQ, bug fixes, ...
Improve ergonomics, performances, architecture, University IS integration, over 85 pull request since the beginning of January ...
Grade groups of similar answers at once (CorrectExam automatically forms groups for you to review.), improve performances, module import/export, standalone version (to host everything on your own laptop), ...
Scalability improvements, pdf manipulation (rotating page, moving page), ...
New zen mode for correction, random correction, latex template evolution, improvements based on feedback from users...
Recognition of handwritten texts Transform architectures deliver low error rates but are challenging to train due to limited annotated data in handwritten text recognition. AI is still executed in the browser.
Teamwork is essential. If you make a mistake, you can blame someone else 😀.